
At First glance this seems to be another kid movie, until you leave the theater and you are hit with many layers and levels of complexity. You realize that the story is Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, and loving each other. The story is timeless, thought provoking, and very deep. Attached is a link to an interview by the director and here is a quote from Andrew Stanton:
You could blame consumerism as one thing that's happening in this film, but there's a million other things we do that distract us from connecting to the person next to us and from furthering relationships, which is truly the point of living. So I came up with the idea that as WALL•E was picking up trash, it would have all these signs of humanity for him to rifle through, to get him interested in what humans were all about. I loved the idea of WALL•E finding something real. He was fascinated with the idea of living. And what's the point of living? Something real. He was a man made object with something real inside him. And he found something real while surrounded by man made objects. That just was poetic for me.


Easter Eggs


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