The Way Sports Should Be

Yesterday while watching Chloe play her 2nd Soccer game ever, we witnessed the way sports should be.

When it was time to start the game the other team only had four players show up, normally it is 5 on 5. So the Ref asked our team if we can play 4 on 4, we agreed.

Soon into the game the other team gains a player so we can go 5 on 5. Still, the other team didn't have enough players for subs, so by half-time they are getting pretty tired not having a break. Chloe's coach went to the other coach and offered some players from our team. The other team was grateful and jumped at the offer. Our coach then explained the situation to our team and asked for volunteers. Many hands shot up willing to jump ship (even though Chloe's team had a commanding lead of 3-0).

So the game continues. And, as they play, our coach and parents are not only cheering our team on, but also cheering for Abby who was willing to go to the other side. The coach even helped gave her some pointers on how to play the game.

I just thought is was great to see. It's just a game, it's for fun, it matters not who wins, and it's about teaching kids teamwork, helping others, and learning a game. And it was the best game I've ever seen.

Go Bombers! Matt


I can't tell you how encouraging that is for me to hear. I get so angry when I hear about young kids playing all the time and at crazy times at night ... all in the name of "preparing them for the future." Give me a break! They are kids and should be allowed to have fun and have a childhood. Our teens at church are always SO busy in so many different activities and I feel so bad for them. Such pressure!! Thanks for sharing this good news... :)
It sounds like God put Chloe on the right team! Yay for her coach and what sounds like wonderful parents and team members!
Robyn said…
Amen to what the other sisters said!
Anonymous said…
Matt, the new Reader's Digest has a whole article about Psycho Sports Parents. You should send this in as a letter to the editor.


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