
Have you ever been between a rock and a hard place? Of course we all have been there at one time or another! I suppose it is a rather stupid question to ask. When our world turns its back on us, things get ugly, messy, bloody and muddy. When the heat gets turned up we develop a few “warts” on our complexions, we become less “attractive” (no, I don’t mean like kissy face attractive) to people.

Many of our “so called friends” abandon us when times get tough. These are the times when we, our families, and God really find out what we are made of. Do we become bitter or better?

Many friends come and go, both when you have these bad times in life it has a way of refining our friendships. Discovering new friendships that have been there all along and we may not have even known it.

It pushes us to a deeper level, a more meaningful level. May we always be loyal to those new alliances we form and may we never “throw them under the bus” but make sure we have their backs all the way like they did for us.

So the question is. . . Is it better to have a wide circle of friends, or a narrow “band of brothers”, or some combo in-between?


No answers. Just thinking about you guys ... sounds uncomfortable between that rock and hard place. Prayers and blessings.

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