
Noah is sick again! We are taking him to the doctor to see if he needs an antibiotic.

The stats on the contest to see who can get sick the most times, drum roll: Noah twice, Micah twice, Chloe once, mom and dad zero, PRICELESS.

Today Chloe, Micah, myself, and Alan went to our first Cross Country Motorcycle Race. It was a blast, nothing like the smell of gasoline and dirt. It was really amazing to see what people can do with a bike. It was full throttle craziness all the way.

I saw many families racing today, as a team. Mom and dad, along with Grandma and Grandpa where the support crew, cheering them on, telling them how far they had left or what place they were in. I saw many father and son race teams racing together. Before the race they got together and had a Church service before the race started.

All in all it was a great family event to be apart of. The kids loved it, and talked about
“the race” the rest of the day.



Sounds exciting!

Tell Noah I hope he feels better ... poor guy. :(
Umm...from what I hear Keely is officially winning. Matt lost the race today by going to the doctor! Yay for the mom gene! Feel better Cooks!
Anonymous said…
So what did the doctor say? And how fortuitous that the mom is staying well! Every time one of you kids got sick I would count up how many OTHER people there were in the house to get the same thing. Ugh. Love you all!
Sorry you are sick, too, Matt! :( Keep up the good health, Keely!!
homecooks said…
Matt has a sinus infection, Noah has strep throat, and Micah just got over an ear and sinus infection. Hopefully we are at the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robyn said…
UGH. I'm so sorry you guys are so sick!! I hope that you all get to feeling better soon. Clearly, Keely has superhuman powers!
Gabe Moudy said…
Wow. I'm such a guy. I was going to comment on how cool the moto stuff was, but then I read everyone else's comments. They are all concerned about your health! Does that make me fickle? Nah - I just thought the family time sounded cool at a fun, offbeat event!

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