
It is also funny how a teacher can get as excited waiting to see if school is called! Some of us were up at five. But I have to admit, I even get excited waiting to see if our two districts will scroll across the bottom of the screen. I haven't been out to play, but I do delight in the excitement of my children (all four of them :)

Nothing is better than looking out the window as Noah and Matt douse the snowman in lighter fluid. (Really happening as I type) The snowman is in flames! Earlier he had a necklase of firecrackers. Unfortunately he was not phased. Now he slowly melts. Poor Frosty.

Hope your snowdays are as relaxing as ours! Keely


Anonymous said…
Do you ever feel frightened?? This sounds EXACTLY like something Gabe and Matt would have done when they lived with me. I still find it astounding.
I'm so glad all my kids have blogs! Now I can keep up with you all.....
Robyn said…
Yippee!!! What a GREAT birthday present . . . you have a blog now!!!! I will read it every day with great delight!!!!

Love all of you!!!
What???? That is the craziest thing I've ever heard! DOesn't surprise me at all coming from those two ... but still ... the craziest thing I've ever heard. How do you handle it all, Keely??? ;)

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